About Us

Hi there, My name is Jordon….

We own Nordic Roots Homestead. In 2021 my husband and I bought our little 3 acre parcel in Central Alberta. Born and raised in Calgary, the both of us never saw ourselves living in the city forever. The idea of raising our kids there was never appealing, but we were working with what we had. In 2021 we were spending an outrageous amount on rent, in a huge house, with huge issues. Our wallets were looking bare. We started budgeting and looking into ways to save money. The idea of starting a garden and being able to harvest our hard work sounded exciting. We ended up with some pests intruding on our space and that wasn’t the only problem. The garden isles were bare of any and all pest control options. So we did what any sane person would do…. We got ducks. And no… ducks in the city isn’t allowed. Rebels we were but it was time to leave.

In June of 2024 after living on our little property for almost 3 years we had the opportunity to buy a much larger property just 3 minutes down the road. We bought and sold privately, packed up all the animals and moved to our forever home. Our new property is 15 acres, allows plenty of space and resources to not only grow our homestead but to also grow our businesses.

We now breed mini donkeys, mini potbellies, goats and birds. We raise farm fresh chicken and pork for other people. We sell eggs, homemade bread, preserves, all natural products and much more!

2025 comes with a huge list of goals for our ever growing homestead and farm. Stay tuned for the new additions and projects on the go!

I’ll be posting consistently on my blog, social media platforms and surprise I’m in the process of creating some “Homesteaders 101” digital and physical products which you will be able to find in my store. These will be homesteader essentials; e books, journals, planners and more. As well as my print on demand clothing. I’ll be continually posting new items as often as I can.

You can find all our social platform links on our homepage. We look forward to taking you on our journey.

- Jordon